Thursday, December 18, 2008

Module 3 Tasks - WWW Standards

Make a summary of what you believe are the 5 most important ‘rules’ for writing online. Think about any differences between the articles: for example, is the advice in Nielsen’s paper -- written in 1997 – still current?

  • Scannable text

For writing on-line almost every reference will highlight the importance of scannable text. Nielsen ( ) goes to great lengths to demonstrate text that is concise, scannable, and objective achieves a far greater usability.

Nielson moves on to explain ( in mathematical terms how users ultimately spend very little time reading the actual text on web pages.

Although his thoughts are now over 10 years old the concept of scannable text is still very applicable today, as it precisely captures the intent of web browsers. Scanning is a quick examination of the text for relevant words or phrases and if unfound the uers will move away from the web page within a short space of time.

  • Paragraph, paragraph and more paragraphs

Use lots of paragraphs when writing simply becasue putting data into large paragraphs without any spaces or line breaks is hard to read, and annoying.

More on this later.

  • Meaningful links

While it is a great novely to click on a link to see where it goes, it's just down right rude if the link is a misrepresentation, and annoying.

"the misuse of links is perhaps the most common failure of Web authors" ( This says it all really - so don't do it!

to be completed..

Module 3 Tasks - HTML web page

Record any difficulties you encountered with these exercises. Record your thoughts about html - do you feel a sense of achievement? What are the differences between html and blogging? what do you like best?

Having completed the tutorial which was entertaining enough to ensure you stayed on until the end, and more importantly it was informative, I am now creating my web page. Taking the opportunity to get some free advertising for our business Progressive Reports I am pleasantly surprised how 'easy' HTML is.

The exercises in the tutorial I found to be conscise in that each could be put into action straight way, making the learning intersting and pratical.

I'm sure many of the true HTML boffins will scoff at my use of the word 'easy', but for someone like me who has never had any exposure to HTML in the past it is incredibly satisfying to see your work up in lights on the Internet.

Along with the glory there is also the frustration. One character out of place and it doesn't work or one slip of the finger and a few lines are erased never to be seen again. Addictive...absolutley!

To be continued.....

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Module 2 Tasks - Chat

TASK OPTION Other chat options

For this task I have chosen Google Talk for the main reason that I have it installed already on my system and I am extremely reluctant to keep downloading more programs that will not be used again after this module.

Record your outcome and reflections of your experiences and thoughts on this task in your learning log;

To be totally honest my reflections on this tasks are not positive. I'm sick of downloading countless software programs that all do the same thing. Each requires a user name and password and I'm sick of trying to remember them all.
My thoughts are that too many people chat about nothing meaningful and end up wasting huge amounts of time doing so.
If you don't have anything meaningful to say why bother.

Fundamentally the chat programs undertake the same thing - chatting. The most defining factor to set any one program apart is presentation. The overall appearance of the screen and layout for various functions.

After chatting with some fellow students I must admit that I find it somewhat reassuring to know that I am not alone in finding the time for uni work and my concerns about the 'junk' software we are required to download. Solidarity in numbers perhaps.

In summary to quote a fellow student Antony Cave via Skype;
"So I think its safe to say, with chats it depends where your friends are, which defines what you use and from there it's how well it works or suits what you're doing. Basically they're all very similar."

Module 2 Tasks - Newsgroups

Module 2 Tasks - Lists

Go to the main groups page and choose a category that interests you.

While there were many lists covering many topics, I refined my search to cover gardening. then was faced with the tedious task of trolling through pages and pages of lists to find public lists and a list that was truly dedicated to gardening.

Surprisingly there were many lists that were of different subject matters and singles and dating seeming a common thread. The majority of lists required membership., was one of the few lists that the subject matter was relevant to the title and was a public list. The questions and responses seemed quite genuine but my concern would be that the advice being posted is unregulated and unsubstantiated.

What are the pros and cons of email lists versus discussion boards?

Email Lists Pro's

  • asynchronicious
  • widely used format - many people are comfortable with email communication
  • allows file attachments
  • Users remain ' anonymous' or unidentified.

Email Lists Con's

  • asynchronicious
  • Unregulated, postings are not controlled.
  • All previously lists Pro's could be argued to be a con also.

Discussion Board Pro's

  • Maintained by the owner.
  • Mass communication forum.
  • Can provide expert comment on specific subject.
  • Response is not immediate.

Discussion Board Con's

  • Response is not immediate.
  • Content regulated by owner.
Are there certain kinds of communication or purposes more suited to one than the other?
Discussion boards are better suited to large groups, in situation where you may not know the person you are in communication with.

Email lists are better suited to smaller groups where entry is gained by the shared interest, and therefore all other members know who they are communication with.

Module 2 Tasks

1. What information about a user's email, the origin of a message, and the path it took, can you glean from an email message?

Header metadata is data contained in the header of an email message.

E.g. who the message is addressed to, who sent it, and the subject amongst other things. This is consider to be the surface data or the information that can be visibly seen as part of the message.

Finish this question later !

2. In what cases would you find it useful to use the 'cc', 'bcc' and 'reply all functions of email?
Consideration should be given to the use of the email when considering using cc and bcc, and reply all functions.

While these functions can be very useful to include many people in a communication. E.g. if a third person is referenced or quoted in am email it its courteous to cc them on the message. Bcc should always be approached with extreme caution as bcc'ing a person automatically implies 'secrecy' to a message in that the send does not intend the entire audience to know the identity of all recipients. Reply all is a great function when arranging meetings for example but again should be approached with caution.

To often email senders use the cc and bcc functions unnecessarily - thus causing 'information overload'. Consider how many times you have received emails that are not necessary to your information requirements and subsequently take up your time in reading, filing and deleting that message.

Increasingly it is becoming necessary for employers to provide netiquette lessons to new employees, justified by the dominance email has as a form of communication in the workplace.

3. In what ways can you ensure that an attachment you send will be easily opened by the receiver?

Technically by sending a message attachment as a plain text file will ensure it can be opened by any received regardless of what programs they are running anther machine.

Not making assumptions about your recipients will also overcome this issue - the invisibility of difference.

4. What sorts of filters or rules do you have set up, and for what purpose?
In my email system I have rules set up that automatically allocate categories to messages received from certain parties or messages that contain particular key words in the subject line.

I also have junk message rules to automatically deleted junk messages that I do not want to receive.

The primary purpose of this is to streamline me messages by removing unnecessary items and categorising the important message that i want to keep to allow easy retrieval later on.

5. How have you organised the folder structure of your email and why?
My folder structure ha been kept simple with the inbox the main operating mail folder. Search folders allow the organisation of messages that have previously been allocated to a category.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Module 1 Task - Further Exploration

I haven't downloaded the other suggested freeware and applications. I work from home so my computer is my living and pays the mortgage - I'm conscious of what is loaded on it. Sorry to be such a nerd about this one.

I have discovered the discussions for the first time today and have mixed emotions. On the first level I now feel quite intimidated that there was so much going on that I did not know about and also feel a whole new world is now available (good or bad it is available :) ).

Module 1 Task - Internet Tools

How many ‘hops’ are there? 21, but if you consider the last 'hop' to be Curtain then 20.
what is the average time in milliseconds from the tools site to the curtin server? 256 ms is how long it takes a packet of information to move from your computer to the router shown and back again, therfore the 'one way' trip is 256/2 = 128 ms.
Looking at these results, find out the IP NUMBER of the hostname

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Module 1 Task - FTP

Q. "according to the readme file, '_______ MATTERS' - what word goes in the blank?".


The FileZilla software was very easy to download with great GUI & easy to follow steps. Using the software to connect to was easy - perhaps even a little disarmingly so.

Module 1 Task B - Telnet

After visiting my thoughts of Telnet remain the same. Appreciation of the technology and the minds that created it but sadly a dying dialog.

Module 1 Task A - Telnet

My persistence has paid off and stepped into the world of Telnet today. While the appearance is dated and looks cumbersome the response time of data retrieval is surprisingly fast at

A couple of things stand out most to me right now;
  1. How impressive this technology must have been 20 years ago - most probably beyond the comprehension of most of the general public. But this must also be contrasted to the fact the home computers and laptops were not so common and therefore the 'computer community' was much smaller.
  2. How quick we are to disregard technology simply based on appearance. The Telnet format is not nearly as glamorous as today's Internet explorers and interactive programs but most likely yields the same or better results. Yet we (myself included) do not take the time to explore this arena purely because of presentation. This is a sad reflection of what our society is becoming - if it does not look good then we don't have time.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Assignment 1 - top five tips for new bloggers

Top five tips for new bloggers
  1. Take the plunge, don't be scared. Come and join the party!
  2. Keep your and other's private facts private.
  3. Do (or type) unto others as you would have others do (or type) unto you.
  4. Don't post risque material - if in doubt don't!
  5. It's OK to not post. Nobody want every single detail of your daily existence.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Module 1 Tasks

A very genuine attempt at completing Task A for module 1 - only to result in dismal failure.
No joy at all using Telnet, logging into - mmm perhaps now that I have read the address again I was typing in the wrong thing?

Most comments about telnet are along the line of "Oh yeah, I remember that, wasn't it around 20 years ago" Yes sadly some on my friends are old enough to remember 20 years ago.

Well - I am determined if nothing else and will attempt again......and again............and again

George the Wonder Dog

Assignment 1 - an exercise in frustration

In what feels like a very feeble attempt at my attempt at starting a blog in anticipation for Assignment 1, I have now managed to create my own blog.

Yay and yipee there will be champagne tonight in celebration of such a milestone.