Thursday, December 18, 2008

Module 3 Tasks - HTML web page

Record any difficulties you encountered with these exercises. Record your thoughts about html - do you feel a sense of achievement? What are the differences between html and blogging? what do you like best?

Having completed the tutorial which was entertaining enough to ensure you stayed on until the end, and more importantly it was informative, I am now creating my web page. Taking the opportunity to get some free advertising for our business Progressive Reports I am pleasantly surprised how 'easy' HTML is.

The exercises in the tutorial I found to be conscise in that each could be put into action straight way, making the learning intersting and pratical.

I'm sure many of the true HTML boffins will scoff at my use of the word 'easy', but for someone like me who has never had any exposure to HTML in the past it is incredibly satisfying to see your work up in lights on the Internet.

Along with the glory there is also the frustration. One character out of place and it doesn't work or one slip of the finger and a few lines are erased never to be seen again. Addictive...absolutley!

To be continued.....

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