Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Module 4 Tasks - Organising search information task

First, choose the best three sources found in the previous task

URL: http://www.netalert.gov.au/advice/behaviour/netiquette_emoticons/What_is_netiquette.html
Author: Australian Government
Institution: Australian Government

URL: http://www.dtcc.edu/cs/rfc1855.html
Author: Curtain University
Institution: Curtain University

URL: http://www.internetrix.net/
Author: Internetrix
Institution: Internetrix

For my assignment I saved any useful URl's in a working section of my word document. I chose not to use any bookmarking software as I find them cumbersome and they tend to become another program on your system that isn't really used very much and tends to get in the way of more important software.

My experience is that having a working section to the word document is simple, quick and easy to follow.

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